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Welcome to ai-relief.orgs wiki - Options for Data and Functions of the Geomorphometry Toolbox.

The geomorphometry toolbox contains a number of tools to perform terrain/geomorphometric analysis. The purpose of this toolbox is to simplify the analysis for people which are in need to create a number of terain parameters (TP) in a short timeframe. For more research oriented e.g. also more modern and more at the edge of the research front TPs - check with other software packages than ESRIs GRID/Spatial Analyst Extension. An introduction to the whole theme of terrain analysis is the book edited by Hengl and Reuter called Geomorphometry: Concepts- Software - Applications. Published in Developments in Soil Science Vol. 33 by Elsevier ISBN 978-0-12-374345-9, which contains a good introduction in the science of quantitative land surface analysis.

Please be gentle with me as I slowly fill that space with documentation for the different functions of the different toolboxes. In case one of the scripts is not providing the desired results consider the following ideas:

  1. certain landform classifications have been designed for defined resolutions (e.g. pennock for 10m gentle rolling landscape - not for mountain areas, SOTER for large overview areas) therefore the DEFAULT parameters might not be the best for your DEM. Start playing around with these parameters!
  2. certain landform classifications have been designed for defined elevation range - sometimes RESCALING a DEM might help improving the desired results
  3. certain landform classifications have been designed for a specified extent (e.g. running SOTER with default values on a 1000m x 1000m dem will result in just one pixel, so check that the choosen classification parameters have a meaning for your application case.
  4. look at the intermediate files created by the algorithm.. is there something unusal (a grid with one value for example or something like that) - see for the thresholds or other parameters.
  5. there might be an error in the GTB. Send me the error message, DEM, the command call, you were using and I will try to fix it.

ArcInfo Workstation GRID Limitations (e.g. like the old 2.134 GB file size grid limit) will hinder the execution of the landform classification part of the toolbox on global datasets. The minimum version I tested on has been ArcGIS9.2 with SP6. Users are recommended/required to upgrade at least to this SP version. As of Version 1.0.6 and AG10 DOCELL/IFTHENELSE is in cooperated directly into the code, so no AG WS installation is required.

If you want to contribute to this WIKI, drop me a line and i will create an account for you.

Latest TP addition:

  1. Openness (Yokoyama 2002)
  2. MBI and FPI (Möller, 2008)
  3. Different Versions to calculate Curvatures (Penk, Bauer, Friedrichs)
Penck, A. (1894): Morphologie der Erdoberfläche. - Bd. 1: 471 S. u. Bd. 2: 696 S.; Stuttgart.
Bauer, J. (1985): Digitales Reliefmodell (DRM) - Benutzerhandbuch. - TU Berlin, Fachgebiet Reg. Bodenkde.: 28 S.; Berlin. - [Unveröff.].
Friedrich, K. (1996): Digitale Reliefgliederungsverfahren zur Ableitung bodenkundlich relevanter Flächeneinheiten. - Frankfurter geowiss. Arb., Serie D,Bd. 21,258pp

Latest Version Info

1.0.3 Openness,MBI,curvatures
1.0.4 DOCELL IFTHENELSE for ESRI Raster implemented.
1.0.5 all landform classification codes rewritten for AG10 so the new code is used.(openeness still pending),minor interface fixes
1.0.6 toolbox tp import problem fixed, iwahashi copy problem fixed (runs in python but not in AG), minor interface fixes
1.0.8 OSS - WIP for segmentation, gmk, ruggedness, srad/tapesg inclusion, upgrade to AG10.2

ERRORS: If errors occur,

  1. try copy the grid in an empty workspace and start from scratch
  2. sent me the error message from the window
  3. sent me eventually the dem / put it on ftp so I can debug it on your case.
  4. always keep in mind
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Page last modified on August 29, 2015, at 12:55 AM