Geomorphometry Download |
ArcInfo ArcInfo Arc Marco Language Code Geomorphometry Toolbox contains a collection of terrain analysis scripts which can be used with any installation of ArcInfo's Workstation. Please note: They are not working with ARCVIEW and also not directly with ArcGIS, even if it is possible to run AML Code from inside ArcGIS. Still, you need the ArcInfo Work Station installed. Extended documentation needs to be added to the toolbox - for a quick start please refer to readme.txt for some command calls or to the outdated topomanual2.pdf. ArcGIS The python toolbox can be used in the combinations starting with ArcGIS 9.2 (SP6). Prior to AG10, please note that you will still need to install the ArcInfo Workstation on your machine as ESRI programmers have not been able to port certain GRID functions as DOCELL in ArcGIS 9.x. I have implemented IFTHENELSE/DOCELL as of version 1.0.6 for AG10 (still the classification for openness needs to be rewritten in the new code). Documentation is available in the Wiki. Please note that sometimes different behaviour of the spatial analyst functions/call depending on the AG version/Python/OS system can be observed. Therefore I do not make any promises anymore on backwards compability. After developing the code myself for a couple of years, I decided to make the source code avaiable under an OSS licences. Source codes are hosted on Sourceforge. The toolbox alone is also avaiable in a seperate directory. Older Demo Version can be found at or here Development costs time - so please join in with what ever resources (e.g. Documentation, Code) you would like to contribute. There are also other software products GRASS, TAS, SAGA, MICRODEM, ILWIS, LANDSERF, RIVERTOOLS. which allow for terrain analysisRules of Distribution Users are prohibited from any commercial, non-free resale, or redistribution without explicit written permission from the author. Users should acknowledge the author as the source used in the creation of any reports, publications, new data sets, derived products, or services resulting from the use of this software/data set. The author also request reprints of any publications. No Warranty or Liability The author provides the toolbox without any warranty of any kind whatsoever, either express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author shall not be liable for incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of the use of any data or toolbox .